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Детектор за банкноти AL-11

2.990 ден.
  • Шифра:AL-11
  • Достапност:На залиха

или од 6 до 36 рати со   за нарачки над 1000 ден.

Ultraviolet light detects security threads,Fluorescent light for watermark verification, Built-in magnifier for micro-print verification, Equipped with magnetic sensor to detect magnetic features, Rechargeable lithium battery inside for portable usage (optional), Suitable for all currencies in the world

UV - ultraviolet, MG - magnetic,Watermark and Micro Print detection systems, Ultraviolet light detects security threads, Fluorescent light for watermark verification, Built-in magnifier for micro-print verification. Magnetic sensor to detect magnetic features, All 4 can be used together or separately assuring the most accurate outcome.
Гаранција 6 месеци

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